International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic


IAVC VeterinaryTherapeutic Taping, 30.-31.08.2025

IAVC Veterinary Therapeutic Taping for Equine and Canine

IAVC Veterinary Therapeutic Taping - A Journey through sense and nonsense, evidence and the most effective techniques in veterinary medicine

August 30th and 31st, 2025 (Saturday and Sunday) at the IAVC GmbH, 27419 Freetz (Lengenbostel), Germany

The fundamental concepts and advanced applications of the Taping Method for our animal patients will be discussed. Clinical applications: Stimulate proprioception, improve muscle work, release fascia, decrease pain and swelling.

This is combined with workshops where attendees will practice the different techniques and applications on each other and of course on dogs and horses as well.

The Life-long learning continues at the IAVC…….

Places are limited, so sign up early!


Here you can find more information and the registration form (new window):
IAVC Veterinary Therapeutic Taping