International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic


Basic Course UK Summer 2024, Brockenhurst/Bournemouth (AECC), UK - Online Start March 10th, 2024

Online Start: March 10th, 2024

Practical Contact Module I - Sacropelvic, April 26th - 28th, 2024

Anatomy, Biomechanics and Pathology of the Sacroiliac Joint, the Sacrum and the Pelvis, Basics of Applied Neurology; Introduction to the Vertebral Subluxation Komplex, Terminology and Chiropractic Listings, Basics of the Chiropractic Adjusting Techniques; Chiropractic Examination / Introduction to Motion Palpation; Examination and Chiropractic Treatment of the Sacropelvic region

All England modules are scheduled to take place in Brockenhurst/New Forest and in Bournemouth at the AECC University College.

Hier finden Sie Informationen zum Kurs sowie das Anmeldeformular (neues Fenster):
Module I - Sacropelvic (Basic) (UK)

Basic Course New Zealand Summer 2024, Start May 4th, 2024

Online Start: March 10th, 2024

Practical Contact Block I: Module I - III (Sacropelvic, Thoracolumbar/Cervical)  May 4th - 12th, 2024 near Amberley/Christchurch

Anatomy, Biomechanics and Pathology, Basics of Applied Neurology; Introduction to the Vertebral Subluxation Komplex, Terminology and Chiropractic Listings, Basics of the Chiropractic Adjusting Techniques; Chiropractic Examination / Introduction to Motion Palpation; Examination and Chiropractic Treatment


Hier finden Sie Informationen zum Kurs sowie das Anmeldeformular (neues Fenster):
Block I - Module I - III (Basic) (NZ)

IAVC Advanced Veterinary Chiropractic: The Complete Spectrum of Techniques 13.-15.09.2024

IAVC Advanced Veterinary Chiropractic - The Complete Spectrum of Techniques, September 13th - 15th, 2024

at the IAVC, Dorfstraße 17a, 27419 Freetz-Lengenbostel

The Advanced Veterinary Chiropractic - The Complete Spectrum of Techniques is a comprehensive three-day course providing an ideal way to review and improve your skills as an animal chiropractor. All animal adjusting techniques currently taught by the IAVC in the Essentials of Veterinary Chiropractic course will be covered.  Some “Advanced” and manipulative techniques will be discussed and demonstrated as well. Come join us, and make sure you are doing it “right”/optimally, and be up-to-date with ALL the current techniques at the same time.

A great deal of time will be allotted for laboratory/hands-on training in techniques on the animals. Focus will include ALL (Sacropelvic, Thoracolumbar, Cervical and Extremity) techniques as they are currently taught in the Essentials of Veterinary Chiropractic Course. Doctor’s hand and body position, improving stabilization and discussing lines of correction will guide participants to identify and correct your weaknesses, build on your strengths, and increase your effectivity and adjusting confidence.

Hier finden Sie Informationen zum Kurs sowie das Anmeldeformular (neues Fenster):
Advanced Veterinary Chiropractic: The Complete Spectrum of Techniques

Basiskurs Winter 2024/25 - Sittensen/Germany, Module I Start 11.10.2024

Das Anmeldeformular für den Basic Course Winter 2024/25 in Sittensen ist online.

Die Termine der einzelnen Kursmodule finden Sie in unserem Kurskalender.

Oder gehen Sie direkt zum Anmeldeformular.

Hier finden Sie Informationen zum Kurs sowie das Anmeldeformular (neues Fenster):
Modul I - Kreuzbein und Becken (Grundkurs) (DE)

Cranio-Sacral Therapy for Animal Chiropractors, Level IV, 01.-03.11.2024

Cranio-Sacral Therapy for Animal Chiropractors - Level IV: Deep Listening in Stillness to Animal and Human Beings

Friday - Sunday, November 1st to 3rd, 2024 at the Heimathaus Sittensen/IAVC GmbH Freetz-Lengenbostel, Germany with Sílvia Martí Korff, DVM, Spain


Hier finden Sie Informationen zum Kurs sowie das Anmeldeformular (neues Fenster):
Cranio-Sacral Therapy for Animal Chiropractors, Level IV