International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic


Pre-Registration Equine Basic Course Germany Summer 2025 (de)

The IAVC is pleased to offer the first Equine Essentials of Veterinary Chiropractic Course in 2025. Further information as well as dates will follow soon. Please contact the IAVC Office via E-Mail if you are interested



Here you can find more information and the registration form (new window):
Module I - Sacropelvic (Basic) (DE)

Pre-Registration Canine Basic Course Germany Summer 2025 (de)

The IAVC is pleased to offer the first Canine Essentials of Veterinary Chiropractic Course in 2025. Further information as well as dates will follow soon. Please contact the IAVC Office via E-Mail if you are interested


Here you can find more information and the registration form (new window):
Small Animal Basic Course Summer 2025 (DE) Pre-Registration

Basic Course Summer 2025, Start online any time - Registration here

Basic Course Summer 2025 at the Heimathaus Sittensen, Start online any time

Initial Practical Session Start: March 12th, 2025


Here you can find more information and the registration form (new window):
Sacropelvic/Thoracolumbar Practical Session (Basic) (DE)

Basic Course UK Summer 2025, Start online upon full registration - Registration here

The registration form for the Essentials of Veterinary Chiropractic Course UK Summer 2025 is available now.

For single module dates in England and Germany please look at the course schedule 2025


Here you can find more information and the registration form (new window):
Sacropelvic/Thoracolumbar Practical Session (Basic) (UK)

Equine Advanced Clinical Application - Emphasis on Sacropelvic, 08.+09.05.2025

IAVC Advanced Clinical Applications in Veterinary Chiropractic: For the first time in 2025: Canine and Equine Separated Seminars!

We are pleased to offer the seminar the initial module of our new species specific Advanced Clinical Applications in Veterinary Chiropractic series, Emphasis on the Equine and on the Canine Sacropelvic combined with Quadruped Logan Basic Techniques for Animal Chiropractors.  

  • Equine Advanced Clinical Applications-Emphasis on Sacropelvic May 8th and 9th, 2025 (Thursday and Friday),at the Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Kalbe, (3 KM from Sittensen), Northern Germany
  •  Canine Advanced Clinical Applications-Emphasis on Sacropelvic May 10th and 11th, 2025 (Saturday and Sunday),at the Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Freetz (3 KM from Sittensen), Northern Germany
  • Quadruped Logan Basic Technique with Silvia Marti Korff, DVM, May 10th and 11th, 2025 (Saturday and Sunday),at the Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Kalbe, (3 KM from Sittensen), Northern Germany

 We hope you can join us, for these challenging and fulfilling chiropractic courses!

Places are limited, so sign up early!

Here you can find more information and the registration form (new window):
Equine Advanced Clinical Applications - Emphasis on Sacropelvic

Canine Advanced Clinical Application - Emphasis on Sacropelvic, 10.+11.05.2025

IAVC Advanced Clinical Applications in Veterinary Chiropractic: For the first time in 2025: Canine and Equine Separated Seminars!

We are pleased to offer the seminar the initial module of our new species specific Advanced Clinical Applications in Veterinary Chiropractic series, Emphasis on the Equine and on the Canine Sacropelvic combined with Quadruped Logan Basic Techniques for Animal Chiropractors.  

  • Equine Advanced Clinical Applications-Emphasis on Sacropelvic May 8th and 9th, 2025 (Thursday and Friday),at the Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Kalbe, (3 KM from Sittensen), Northern Germany
  • Canine Advanced Clinical Applications-Emphasis on Sacropelvic May 10th and 11th, 2025 (Saturday and Sunday),at the Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Freetz (3 KM from Sittensen), Northern Germany
  • Quadruped Logan Basic Technique with Silvia Marti Korff, DVM, May 10th and 11th, 2025 (Saturday and Sunday),at the Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Kalbe, (3 KM from Sittensen), Northern Germany

We hope you can join us, for these challenging and fulfilling chiropractic courses!

Places are limited, so sign up early!

Here you can find more information and the registration form (new window):
Canine Advanced Clinical Applications - Emphasis on Sacropelvic

Advanced Clinical Applications: Quadruped Logan Basic Technique, 10.-11.05.2025

Quadruped Logan Basic Technique with Silvia Marti Korff, DVM, Spain  

May 10th and 11th, 2025, Saturday and Sunday, at the Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Kalbe, Dorfstraße 3, 27419 Kalbe, Northern Germany

The Logan Basic technique is a very low force chiropractic adjustment treatment which involves the structures that surrounds the sacrum.

Logan is based on the theory that specific soft-tissue therapies, when applied with extremely light pressure, are FAR more helpful in relaxing the tissues when compared to deeper pressures commonly used in other soft tissue therapies, such as massage.

To perform the Logan Basic technique, light pressure on leverage spots on the sacral bone are applied, while critical supplementary contacts at different points of the body, are applied. This causes the entire spine to move toward functional balance.

The Logan Basic technique is a well-established, very gentle and extremely effective, chiropractic treatment. It was further developed over decades in animals, by the late Dr. Dennis Eschbach, DC and the IAVC. We are proud to continue to offer Logan Basic Technique at the IAVC, as an important part of our CPD courses and as tribute to Dr. Eschbach’s animal chiropractic teaching legacy.

Learn how to treat with Logan Techniques!! You will be able to use it Monday!

 “There is no other technique that is more powerful and complements our diversified adjusting more than Logan”    Dr. Donald Moffatt

Here you can find more information and the registration form (new window):
Advanced Clinical Applications: Quadruped Logan Basic Technique

Pferd-Reiter-Sattel-Interaktionen – Einblicke für Tierärzte und Lösungsansätze für den Praxisalltag, 14.+15.06.2025, Course Language German

Die IAVC präsentiert: Pferd-Reiter-Sattel-Interaktionen – Einblicke für Tierärzte und Lösungsansätze für den Praxisalltag

  1. und 15. Juni (Samstag und Sonntag), 2025, Lengenbostel-Freetz (3 KM von Sittensen)

Das Zusammenspiel von Pferd, Reiter und Sattel ist störungsanfällig und häufige Ursache für Leistungseinschränkungen im Pferdesport.

Dieser praxisorientierte Workshop richtet sich an Pferdepraktiker/innen, die ihr Wissen über die komplexen Wechselwirkungen zwischen Pferd, Reiter und Sattel vertiefen möchten. Im Fokus stehen die Auswirkungen von Sattelpassform und Reitersitz auf die Gesundheit und Bewegungsdynamik des Pferdes.

Theoretische Grundlagen werden durch praktische Übungen ergänzt, darunter Sattelanpassung und die Analyse von Ursache-Folge-Ketten. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die diagnostische Funktionsanalyse des Pferdes als Ergänzung/Erweiterung der klassischen Lahmheitsuntersuchung. Ziel ist es, veterinärmedizinische Fachkenntnisse zu erweitern und konkrete Lösungsansätze für den Praxisalltag zu vermitteln.         

Pferd-Reiter-Sattel-Interaktionen – Einblicke für Tierärzte und Lösungsansätze für den Praxisalltag

Kursinhalte: Analyse, Anleitung und Korrektur

⁃              Sicht des Trainers: Analyse und Korrektur

⁃              Sicht des Tierarztes: Bewegungsmuster,

-Ganganalyse, biomechanische Auswirkungen,

-Anzeichen für Kompensationsmuster

-Sattelbeurteilung - Satteleigenschaften  

-Pferdebeurteilung - Funktionsanalyse nach dem Leitfaden  

-Funktionsanalyse des Reitpferdes

-Reiterbedingte Probleme erkennen

-Bedeutung der Funktionsanalyse für die tierärztliche Betreuung von Reitpferden

Podiumsdiskussion: Strategien zur Integration der gelernten Inhalte in die Praxis be[

Here you can find more information and the registration form (new window):
Pferd-Reiter-Sattel-Interaktionen – Einblicke für Tierärzte und Lösungsansätze für den Praxisalltag

IAVC VeterinaryTherapeutic Taping, 30.-31.08.2025

IAVC Veterinary Therapeutic Taping for Equine and Canine

IAVC Veterinary Therapeutic Taping - A Journey through sense and nonsense, evidence and the most effective techniques in veterinary medicine

August 30th and 31st, 2025 (Saturday and Sunday) at the IAVC GmbH, 27419 Freetz (Lengenbostel), Germany

The fundamental concepts and advanced applications of the Taping Method for our animal patients will be discussed. Clinical applications: Stimulate proprioception, improve muscle work, release fascia, decrease pain and swelling.

This is combined with workshops where attendees will practice the different techniques and applications on each other and of course on dogs and horses as well.

The Life-long learning continues at the IAVC…….

Places are limited, so sign up early!


Here you can find more information and the registration form (new window):
IAVC Veterinary Therapeutic Taping

IAVC Advanced Veterinary Chiropractic: The Complete Spectrum of Techniques, 05. - 07.09.2025 in Bern, Switzerland

IAVC Advanced Veterinary Chiropractic - The Complete Spectrum of Techniques, September 5th - 7th, 2025

The IAVC is pleased to offer the Complete Spectrum of IAVC Veterinary Chiropractic Techniques seminar for Equine and Canine in 2025 at the National Equestrian Centre Bern in Switzerland.

The Complete Spectrum of IAVC Veterinary Chiropractic Techniques for Canine and Equine is a comprehensive three-day course providing an ideal way to review and improve your skills as an animal chiropractor. All animal adjusting techniques currently taught by the IAVC in the Essentials of Veterinary Chiropractic course will be covered.  Some “Advanced” and manipulative techniques will be discussed and demonstrated as well. Come join us, and make sure you are doing it “right”/optimally, and be up-to-date with ALL the current techniques at the same time.

Focus will include:

  1. ALL (sacropelvic, thoracolumbar, cervical and extremity) techniques.
  2. Doctor’s hand and body position,
  3. improving stabilization and discussing lines of correction
  4. identify and correct your weaknesses,
  5. build on your strengths, and
  6. increase your effectivity and adjusting confidence.

Places are limited so please sign up early. We hope you can join us in Switzerland!

Instruction is available in both, English and German during the practical sessions!

The IAVC Team


Here you can find more information and the registration form (new window):
IAVC Advanced Veterinary Chiropractic: The Complete Spectrum of Techniques 2025 in Switzerland at the Nationales Pferdezentrum Bern