The Basic Course
The basic course is designed for veterinarians and doctors of chiropractic (DCs) wishing to learn the clinical techniques necessary to treat both small animals and horses with chiropractic. Our curriculum format is the one studied and utilized by the majority of people from both professions, who are practicing animal chiropractic worldwide today.
The course is presented in five modules. The initial four modules build continually on previous theory, while each concentrates on specific body regions (sacropelvic, lumbosacral, cervical and extremities). The final module (module 5-Integrated) is an intensive practical review of all techniques and the final exam. This module runs from Friday to Sunday noon.
The “traditional format”: consisting module 1-4 of 4.5 days and run from Wednesday morning to Sunday (1pm) and module 5 (final exam module) with 2,5 days from Friday morning to Sunday (1pm).
The “hybrid format”: with online lectures/materials consisting 5 weekend modules of each 2.5 (Friday morning to Sunday 1pm).
Theoretical material reviews and integrates the pertinent aspects (for example: anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, neurology, examination and treatment techniques) from both the veterinary and chiropractic professions as it applies to animal chiropractic. A major portion of time is devoted to learning clinical chiropractic techniques. Laboratory/practical sessions include techniques, topography, dissection study, examination and treatment. Written case reports, reading assignments, study of the course notes and the review and practice of clinical chiropractic techniques constitute the home study portion of the basic course.
Students must attend all classes in order to graduate. Attendance is mandatory. The beginning of each module includes a review consisting of the previous module's theory and clinical techniques.
The final course examination is written and clinical techniques , each requiring 75 % as a passing grade.
The course language of theory lectures is English. All the practical teaching sessions as well as the course materials, notes and exams are offered in both languages in all courses.