Dr. Sybil Moffatt, Dr. med. vet., MRCVS,

graduated from the Tierärztliche Hochschule in Hannover, Germany in 1992 and worked at the Equine Research Center in Guelph, Ontario, Canada to receive her postgraduate degree. She earned her basic certification in animal chiropractic from the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association in 1996.
Since 1999 she has been working in her own exclusively animal chiropractic referral practice in Northern Germany. Sybil is also a founding member and past executive board member of the Gesellschaft für Veterinär-Chiropraktik e.V. (now the International Veterinary Chiropractic Association).
As a founding partner of the European Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic, Sybil has been teaching animal chiropractic since 2003.
She, Dennis Eschbach, and her husband Donald were instrumental in originally bringing the Options for Animals International curriculum to Europe in 2002, taught under the European Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic name.