International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic


Advanced Clinical Applications: Quadruped Logan Basic Technique, 10.-11.05.2025

Quadruped Logan Basic Technique with Silvia Marti Korff, DVM, Spain  

May 10th and 11th, 2025, Saturday and Sunday, at the Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Kalbe, Dorfstraße 3, 27419 Kalbe, Northern Germany

The Logan Basic technique is a very low force chiropractic adjustment treatment which involves the structures that surrounds the sacrum.

Logan is based on the theory that specific soft-tissue therapies, when applied with extremely light pressure, are FAR more helpful in relaxing the tissues when compared to deeper pressures commonly used in other soft tissue therapies, such as massage.

To perform the Logan Basic technique, light pressure on leverage spots on the sacral bone are applied, while critical supplementary contacts at different points of the body, are applied. This causes the entire spine to move toward functional balance.

The Logan Basic technique is a well-established, very gentle and extremely effective, chiropractic treatment. It was further developed over decades in animals, by the late Dr. Dennis Eschbach, DC and the IAVC. We are proud to continue to offer Logan Basic Technique at the IAVC, as an important part of our CPD courses and as tribute to Dr. Eschbach’s animal chiropractic teaching legacy.

Learn how to treat with Logan Techniques!! You will be able to use it Monday!

 “There is no other technique that is more powerful and complements our diversified adjusting more than Logan”    Dr. Donald Moffatt

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Advanced Clinical Applications: Quadruped Logan Basic Technique