International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic


The Canine 10-Step Myofascial Treatment Approach, 15.+16.06.2024

The Canine 10-Step Myofascial Treatment Approach
June: 15th + 16th (Saturday and Sunday), 2024 at the DGH in Kalbe (3 KM from Sittensen)
Speaker: Dr. Silke Meermann, DVM (Germany)

In this seminar the focus will be on a structured clinical approach of myofascial treatment techniques for dogs.

The Canine 10-Step Myofascial Procedure provides you with an integrative treatment protocol which can greatly enhance the chiropractic treatment of dogs with musculoskeletal issues.

Myofascial treatment techniques focus on four important interrelated therapeutic goals:

o Restore / optimize (connective tissue) motion

o Pain relief

o Reduce the tone of the sympathetic nerve system

o Activate the immune system

In this course 10 therapeutic techniques will be explained step by step and afterwards practiced on dogs. Effective integration of these techniques with chiropractic will also be explained.

Hier finden Sie Informationen zum Kurs sowie das Anmeldeformular (neues Fenster):
IAVC The Canine 10-Step Myofascial Treatment Approach, 15.-16.06.2024