International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic

Applied Kinesiology
with Carl DeStefano

Applied Kinesiology II

AK 2 expands on the concepts taught in AK 1 by using muscle testing to diagnose muscle paresis or weakness. The diagnosis and treatment of cranial faults and their relationship to dural connected structures, particularly the pelvis is taught. TMJ anatomy and function are explained with methods for diagnosis and correction. Hand modes, as a means of differentially diagnosing differing structural, chemical, acupuncture and nutritional problems are taught as an important diagnostic approach. Hiatal hernia and ilio-caecal valve problems cause symptoms commonly misdiagnosed in clinical practice. A protocol for their detection and correction is included in the course.

Applied Kinesiology and Functional Neurology is the first course in a series of functional neurology courses. Dr. De Stefano’s courses are fun and loaded with “hands on” excitement.