Canine Advanced Clinical Applications - Emphasis on Sacropelvic
10.05.2025 - 11.05.2025Beschreibung
Canine Advanced Clinical Applications in Veterinary Chiropractic: Emphasis on the Sacropelvic
Saturday May 10th 9:00 - Sunday May 11th 16:00, 2025 at the Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Freetz, 27419 Freetz-Lengenbostel
Featured Topics:
- The Canine Sacroiliac Patient: Management and Rehabilitation
- Integrative Management of Patients with Lumbosacral Junction Pathologies and transitional Vertebrae
- The Tail: Not Just the End of the Spine
- Decision Tree Analysis: Hind Limb Paresis
- Introduction to Canine Gait Analysis
- Geriatric Onset Laryngeal Paralysis and Polyneuropathy (GOLPP); Not just a Problem of the Larynx
- Workshop: Sacropelvic Integrative Rehabilitation
- Lab Sessions to Include: Review of Sacropelvic Techniques, Modified Sacropelvic Techniques, Symphysis Adjusting, as well as Technique Tips and Sharing.